Does my period affect my self tan colour?

Does my period affect my self tan colour?

Your period makes your tan 20% less dark. Yep you heard that right. Ever wondered why your tan is less dark when you're on your period or doesn't last as long? The active ingredient in the self tan is working with the ph balance of your skin and the ph balance of your skin is different when you are on you period.


The pH Balancing Act

The active ingredient in your self-tan, DHA (dihydroxyacetone), interacts with the pH balance of your skin. And guess what? Your skin's pH balance dances to its own rhythm during your period. Typically, the skin's pH hovers around 4.5 to 5.5, but when you're menstruating, this balance shifts.

During ovulation, the pH level and moisture level of your skin drop, leading to dehydration. This can make it more challenging for DHA to attach and, consequently, your tan may not last as long or appear as dark.




Hormones and Hydration

Your hormones are the conductors of your body's orchestra, and during various phases like ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, they go through fluctuations. As mentioned earlier, ovulation causes a drop in pH and moisture levels, creating an environment where DHA struggles to bond effectively.

Dry skin exacerbates the issue, eagerly absorbing tanning solution in an attempt to hydrate itself. This often results in uneven tanning, particularly on drier areas like hands, feet, and elbows. Combat this by applying a light layer of moisturizer on these prone-to-dryness areas before tanning.

Understanding the intricate dance between your hormones, skin pH, and self-tan application can help you navigate the nuances of achieving a flawless tan, even during your period. Using a self tan that is hydration focused such as Tropic Tan is the best choice for tanning while on your period. 


The Period Tan Hack

Now that we know why your period might be playing tricks with your tan, here's a simple hack to ensure you still achieve that deep, even glow. If you're on your period, consider leaving the self-tan on for an extra hour or opting for an additional coat.

By extending the application time, you give the DHA a better chance to work its magic despite the pH balance fluctuations. This will give you the best chance of achieving a deep, even tan. Of course, everyone is different, and you may find that you can get a good tan during your period, it all depends on your body chemistry.



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